The McGrath Institute for Church Life was founded as the Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry by the late Notre Dame President Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., in 1976. The McGrath Institute partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools to provide theological education and formation to address pressing pastoral problems. The Institute connects the Catholic intellectual life to the life of the Church to form faithful Catholic leaders for service to the Church and the world. The McGrath Institute strives to be the preeminent source of creative Catholic content and programming for the new evangelization.
Books by McGrath Institute for Church Life
Becoming Eucharistic People
Real Presence
Ten Ways to Pray
Becoming Eucharistic People (Special Edition)
Our Faithful Departed
Ten Ways to Pray (Special Edition)
Convertirse en personas eucarísticas
Behold, Believe, Become
Presencia real
Convertirse en personas eucarísticas (Edición especial)
Contempla, cree, conviértete (Edición especial)
Behold, Believe, Become (Special Edition)
Presencia real (Edición especial)
The Way of Catechesis
Behold, Believe, Become Small-Group Discussion Guide
Angels and Saints
Real Presence (Special Edition)