USCCB Curriculum Framework

The History of the Catholic Church (Student Text)

Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World (Student Text) [Second Edition]

Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments (Student Text) [Second Edition]

Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation (Student Text) [Second Edition]

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry (Student Text) [Second Edition]

Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic (Student Text)

Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality (Student Text) [Third Edition]

Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ (Student Text)

Exploring the Religions of Our World (Student Text)

Catholic Essentials (Student Text)

Sacred Scripture: A Catholic Study of God’s Word (Student Text)

Exploring the Religions of Our World (Student Text)[Third Edition]

Your Christian Vocation (Student Text)

The Church Our Story (Student Text)

This Is Our Church: A History of Catholicism (Student Text)

Your Life in Christ (Teacher’s Manual) [Third Edition]