A Concise Guide to Canon Law

A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers

Format: Paperback

Publication date: April 1, 2000

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Pastoral ministers are faced with new questions and challenges every day, and answers aren't always easy to find. Canon law can provide the answers to some of the most complicated questions, but busy pastoral ministers don't always know where or how to find those answers. What's needed is a clear, concise, easy-to-use reference guide to church law, one that puts the answers right at your fingertips. A Concise Guide to Canon Law will do just that. This handy reference provides a compact overview of the most important canonical issues facing pastoral ministers today. Arranged by topic, it offers a thorough summary of church law—including such topics as the sacraments and church organization—and is complete with reference numbers to relevant canons in the Code of Canon Law. Helpful sections of “frequently asked questions and answers” at the end of the chapters make finding answers to the most often-asked questions even easier. With more and more lay people becoming involved with church administration, and with members of parishes and faith communities raising more complex and complicated questions, Understanding church law is vital and A Concise Guide to Canon Law makes it easy.

Product Details

Pages: 128

Trim size: 6 x 9 inches

ISBN: 9780877939344

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

  • “Clear and orderly.”

    “This clear and orderly summary of the Code's practical points could be a helpful review for the clergy. It will also serve pastoral ministers as both a user-friendly resource for legal information on church issues and a reassuring introduction to the perhaps daunting Code of Canon Law itself.”

    Rev. Joseph M. Champlin 
    Author of Together for Life

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