Good Enough Is Good Enough Companion Study
Format: PDF
Publication date: April 13, 2018
Being a #goodenoughmom is sometimes all your family needs from you. Colleen Duggan learned that through years of struggling with unrealistic expectations of herself. In Good Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of an Imperfect Catholic Mom, Duggan shares funny moments and difficult times of self-scrutiny and how through the saints, Catholic tradition and literature, and the sacraments she figured out how to let God take control.
This study guide includes prayers, reflections, discussion questions, and small-group guidelines to use the book in parishes and women's groups.
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“Great conversations that made me feel refreshed and supported.”
“Colleen Duggan's book is honest, uplifting, and encouraging. The study questions are thought provoking and yielded great conversations that made me feel refreshed and supported in my vocation at the end of every session.”
Elizabeth Serio
Westminster, Maryland -
“The perfect complement to the book.”
“The book study group was the perfect complement to the book. I definitely found Colleen Duggan's book to be insightful and challenging, and the group provided me with an opportunity to go deeper. I was rejuvenated by the women in the group as we discussed our struggles. I was inspired to once again look at the things that truly matter.”
Crystal Edwards
Spring Grove, Pennsylvania