Just Married
In Just Married: The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage, nationally syndicated radio hosts and international family life speakers Greg and Lisa Popcak combine decades of counseling, the latest findings in marriage research, more than twenty years of marriage, and the wisdom of Catholic teaching to offer couples the most up-to-date look at what it takes to create and sustain an incredible Catholic marriage that will last a lifetime.
Recent research indicates that now more than ever couples report feeling insecure about their ability to create a marriage that will withstand the test of time. In Just Married, Catholic therapist Greg Popcak and family life coach Lisa Popcak offer newlyweds a master plan for growing a strong bond in the first five years of marriage.
Through the Popcak’s experience of a rocky start to their own marriage and their expertise in marriage counseling, readers will learn that despite the odds, every couple has the capacity to live happily ever after. Couples will discover that they need only commit to learning the critical skills of the first five years of marriage, including: praying together, conflict resolution, stress management, and holy sex.
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“Every married couple will benefit from this book.”
“ Just Married, is loaded with Greg and Lisa Popcak's typical winsome wisdom and advice. They help newly married couples unpack the great mystery of marriage and discover the divine love story that is behind their own. Every married couple—newly married or otherwise—will benefit from this book.”
Christopher West
Author of Fill These Hearts -
“Should be required reading.”
“Just Married should be required reading for every recently married Catholic Couple. Greg and Lisa Popcak provide many helpful insights into the challenges that young couples encounter as well as practical strategies on how to overcome what otherwise will become obstacles to their happiness. The Popcaks provide a practical pathway to help couples enjoy the abundant life God desires for them in this world and to help each other make it together to heaven.”
Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann
Archbishop of Kansas City -
“A treasure for married couples.
“Just Married is a treasure for today's newly (and not so newly!) married couples. A guide this rich with grace and wisdom can only come from a deeply faithful Catholic married couple seasoned through years of marriage, professional practice, and prayer. This is theology of the body for the newly married couple.”
Damon Owens
Executive Director of Theology of the Body Institute -
“A hopeful vision of marriage.”
“This is a book filled with personal testimony, evidence from science, years of counseling experience, and, most importantly, a hopeful vision of marriage rooted in faith and nourished by prayer.”
Tim and Sue Muldoon
Authors of Six Sacred Rules for Families
Additional Resources
For Your Marriage Book Review

A Couple of Catholics blog Book Review