Our Catholic Faith (Student Text)

Living What We Believe
Author: Michael Pennock

Table of Contents

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Format: Paperback

Publication date: November 1, 2011

Also available from


(© 2012) This textbook has been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Our Catholic Faith: Living What We Believe offers a general overview of the Catholic faith as outlined by the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and is designed for use in an introductory Catholic high school theology course. Because students enter Catholic high school with diverse catechetical instruction and formation experiences, a primary objective of this text is to get students up to speed early in their high school careers. Students are challenged to accept Jesus, commit themselves to him through the Church, and to live lives of loving service.

This revised edition of Our Catholic Faith includes several new elements:

  • Profiles of Faith: Each chapter includes a profile of a saint or contemporary Christian hero. Application ideas and suggested further reading are also included.
  • Explaining the Faith: Q&As about the Catholic faith based on the USCCB High School Curriculum Framework are scattered throughout the text.
  • Section Summaries: Review questions and reflection starters are provided at the end of each section.
  • New Chapter Summaries: A “Chapter Quick View” provides a bulleted summary with page references. A list of long-term projects provides more depth and breadth for supplemental exploration.
  • Updated Features and Statistics: Throughout the text, modern, real-life stories and statistics give students opportunities to apply Church teaching to everyday situations.

TEACHERS: Request a review copy.

Product Details

Pages: 288

Trim size: 8.5 x 11 inches

ISBN: 9781594712661

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

  • “The best, most useful textbook.”


    “Overall, I find this book to be an excellent resource in teaching the Catholic faith. It is organized very well and contains a comprehensive overview of the Catholic faith on a level suitable for high school students. The illustrations and photos are captivating. There are abundant additional materials to use as needed in each chapter. My students utilize the Glossary and Index all the time. They have not had much background in the Catholic faith and some are not even Catholic. The Appendix also contains reference information which I find quite valuable in this classroom setting.

    I have been teaching religion here for 11 years and this is the best, most useful textbook on the Catholic faith that I have seen yet. Thank you and thanks to Michael Pennock!

    Barbara Joy.
    Bishop Manogue Catholic High School, Reno, NV

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