
How Jesus Called Me Back to the Catholic Church and Set My Heart on Fire
Author: Mallory Smyth

Format: Paperback

Publication date: November 6, 2020


Mallory Smyth has been where many young Catholics are today. But the difference between her and other fallen-away Catholics is that she figured out that when she overlooked the shortcomings of the Church as an institution, she fell in love with Jesus and rediscovered the beauty and truth of her faith.

In Rekindled, Smyth’s raw, relatable account of her own disillusionment and departure is sure to resonate with anyone who has struggled to feel at home in the Church. For anyone who has left the faith or has one foot out the door, this powerful book just might illuminate a path back home—to a Church that is both holy and in need of perfection.

Shallow homilies. Hypocritical authority figures. Trite answers to pressing questions. These and other shortcomings of the Church have led plenty of Catholics to question their faith—or to abandon it entirely.

Rekindled is for those who have left the Church and those with one foot out the door. Smyth’s account of her own disillusionment and departure is relatable and honest. She understands and validates the pain and doubt that many Catholics and former Catholics feel. Smyth also provides you with practical guidance for keeping your faith even when what you encounter in the Church falls short:

  • How to recognize Christ’s presence even in the most mediocre Mass experiences.
  • Strategies for finding faithful role models when authority figures let you down.
  • Where to turn when the answers and pastoral guidance you receive don’t reach the heart of the issue.
  • How to find fulfillment in Christ and in the community of the saints even when joy seems to be in short supply in the Church.

Product Details

Pages: 160

Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

ISBN: 9781646800094

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

  • “Demonstrates the power of the Catholic Church to give young people what they need.”

    “At a time when so many young people are confused and searching for moral clarity, Mallory Smyth’s story of coming back to the Catholic faith, Rekindled, demonstrates the power of the Catholic Church to give young people what they need.” 

    Emily Stimpson Chapman
    Creator of The Catholic Table
    Coauthor of The Catholic Almanac

  • “Quick, concise, and super transparent.”

    “I loved Rekindled—it is quick, concise, and super transparent. Mallory Smyth’s honesty is a gift to so many Christians and Catholics alike and Rekindled is an essential read for parents of adult children who have left the faith or have become lapsed in their practice. This book belongs in every Catholic home.”

    Jenny Uebbing
    Blogger at Mama Needs Coffee
    Creator and content director of Off the Charts 

  • “Gripping.”

    “Rekindled is a gripping story about how we should move past surface-level deficiencies in the Catholic Church and embrace the beauty of Catholicism’s timeless truths. I highly recommend it.”

    Trent Horn
    Staff Apologist at Catholic Answers
    Author of Why We’re Catholic

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