Renowned in the blogosphere as The Anchoress, Elizabeth Scalia offers a powerful critique of the “gods” we worship today, reminding readers that life’s deepest desires can be satisfied only in Christ.
Strange Gods, Scalia's debut book, is packed full of the iconoclastic vim and vigor that has won her a large, faithful Internet following. She presents readers with a surprising look at the ways in which modern people still commit the sin of idolatry in their everyday lives. While literal golden calves no longer dot the landscape, Scalia describes how legitimate loves become obsessively twisted into idols. She unmasks idolatry in a number of everyday experiences—friendships that become needy or possessive, commitments political and religious that grow so intense they lead to hatred of others, to name a few—and points to the incarnation of Christ and authentic worship of him as a way out of idolatry and into peace, happiness, and love.
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“An important message for the culture.”
“Elizabeth Scalia masterfully presents insights in regard to the first, and yet most frequently unobserved, of all the commandments: You shall have no other gods other than the one, true God. This book provides an important message for the culture and is a must-read for all who seek the Lord in spirit and in truth.”
Most. Rev. Robert Barron
Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles -
“A clear, intelligent guide.”
“Today, there are many ‘Caesars’ who demand your allegiance: technology, money, sex, and power. So how can we resist? Elizabeth Scalia shows the way in Strange Gods: a clear, intelligent guide for those radicals who want to subvert these false lords and bow to the one true God.”
Brandon Vogt
Author of Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too) -
“A much-needed wake-up call.”
“Strange Gods will leave you shocked by just how many things you’ve turned into idols, and inspired to turn back to the only one who is really worthy of our worship. Thank you to Elizabeth Scalia for a much-needed wake-up call.”
Jennifer Fulwiler
SiriusXM Radio host and author of Something Other than God -
“Provocative, insightful, bold, inspiring, and faith-filled.”
“Provocative, insightful, bold, inspiring, and faith-filled, Elizabeth Scalia's musings as the Anchoress never fail to gain wide readership among Catholics of every stripe. She is committed to her faith, to her church, and to God. She uses her considerable talents to share these commitments, and her joy in being Catholic, with others—online and now in print.”
Rev. James Martin, S.J.
“An important and courageous new book.”
“In her important and courageous new book, Elizabeth Scalia presents us with a truth we avoid at our own peril: four thousand years after Yahweh declared, ‘You shall have no other gods before me,’ our own idol-making far outstrips that of the ancient world. A fascinating perspective on one of the most urgent spiritual problems of our era.”
Paula Huston
Author of Simplifying the Soul
Additional Resources
Publishers Weekly Review

National Review Article
Our Strange Lives

National Catholic Register Book Review
Trust and Idolatry

Elizabeth Scalia Interview with Brandon Vogt

Strange Gods Study Questions