The Circle of Life

The Heart's Journey Through the Seasons

Format: Paperback

Publication date: February 1, 2005

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We long for connections in the midst of disconnected lives—connections to ourselves, to others, to the world we live in. Most of all we yearn to connect with the sacred. In The Circle of Life Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr invite us to listen carefully and closely to the wisdom of each season. Using reflections, poems, prayers, and meditations, they explore the relationship between the seasons of the earth and the seasons of our lives. The Circle of Life encourages readers to connect their experience of the unfolding seasons with inner spiritual growth and movement, and to know that the presence of God is within and around us all.

Product Details

Pages: 288

Trim size: 6 x 9 inches

ISBN: 9781893732827

Imprint: Sorin Books

  • “A well-needed message.”

    “The wisdom of Rupp and Wiederkehr comes through in such a gentle beautiful way and will encourage you to surrender to the natural process of transformation. I will use this book personally and also will use it in spiritual direction and for retreats that I lead as there are practical helps throughout the book. Throughout the book is the well-needed message that we are surrounded by and filled with the presence of God.”

    Bev Gaines
    Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church

  • “Illuminating.”

    “In this wonderful devotional resource, [Rupp and Wiederkehr] have brought their talents and energy together to produce an illuminating paperback on the link between the external rhythms of the four seasons and the internal movements of the soul. For them, each season is a stepping stone in a great circle of life. Our appreciation of this devotional work is enhanced by the wonder-inducing illustrations by Mary Southard; her enchantment with the Creation shines through her art. The Circle of Life is the perfect resource for families as well as congregational groups of all types.”

    Spirituality & Practice

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