Engaging Catholicism Series

Books in the Engaging Catholicism series from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame help readers discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through a concise exploration of the Church’s most important but often difficult-to-grasp doctrines as well as crucial pastoral and spiritual practices. Perfect for seekers and new Catholics; clergy and catechetical leaders; and everyone in between, the series expands the McGrath Institute’s mission to connect the Catholic intellectual life at Notre Dame to the pastoral life of the Church and the spiritual needs of her people.

Book cover of Angels and Saints: Who They Are and Why They Matter by Elizabeth Klein and McGrath Institute for Church Life
Angels and Saints
Becoming Eucharistic People
Becoming Eucharistic People (Special Edition)
Becoming Eucharistic People Small-Group Discussion Guide
Behold, Believe, Become
Behold, Believe, Become (Special Edition)
Behold, Believe, Become Small-Group Discussion Guide
Contempla, cree, conviértete (Edición especial)
Convertirse en personas eucarísticas
Convertirse en personas eucarísticas (Edición especial)
Convertirse en personas eucarísticas Guía de discusión en grupos
Real Presence
Real Presence (Special Edition)
Real Presence Discussion Guide
Presencia real
Presencia real (Edición especial)
Presencia real Guía de discusión
Ten Ways to Pray
Ten Ways to Pray (Special Edition)
Ten Ways to Pray Discussion Guide
The Creation Study Guide for Individuals or Small Groups
Our Faithful Departed
Our Faithful Departed: Where They Are and Why It Matters