Ave Explores Series | Art and Architecture Series

When we think of art in the Catholic Church, we may picture ancient and classical art. While these certainly continue to influence our faith today, so too do contemporary Catholic artists who are ushering in a new renaissance through painting, video, photography, illustrations, sculpture, jewelry, and other media.



Faith in the Magic Kingdom with Fabiola Garza

Fabiola Garza, author of The Boy Who Would be Pope and an artist for Disney, shares how her Catholic faith influences her work. Garza shares how her identity as a Catholic gives life to all she does, both professionally and personally.



Faith Shines Forth

Artist Jen Norton writes about her journey as an artist. She explains that both making and viewing art can teach us how to hear God amidst life’s distractions because it puts us in touch with our emotional selves and helps us to discern truth and beauty in a noisy world.

Sacred Art is Ever Ancient, Ever New

Artist Daniel Mitsui writes that sacred art that is both traditional and interesting, both ancient and new, both familiar and surprising.

Books to Consider

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