Ave Explores Series | Mary Series


Podcast with Fr. Anthony Sciarappa

Katie Prejean McGrady and “Pittsburgh’s Okayest Priest” Fr. Anthony Sciarappa chat about how his devotion to the Blessed Mother grew in the seminary and how we can welcome Mary into our prayer life.


Devotion to Mary is Rooted in the Bible

Rev. Edward Looney says the key to explaining Marian devotion to non-Catholics is its scriptural foundation. He outlines key passages in the Bible that reflect devotion to Mary.

A Tender Strength

Society teaches young men that tenderness is a weakness and strength is the desired virtue. However, Mary is a model of tenderness not only for women but also for men, according to Timothy P. O’Malley.

Mary Is There During Our Grief

Leticia Ochoa Adams was comforted by the Virgin Mary after her son Anthony committed suicide, but she also learned how to be a better mother to all of her children, including Anthony.



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Books to Consider
Virgin, Mother, Queen
My Queen, My Mother
A Heart Like Mary’s
Our Lady of Charity
The Reed of God