Ave Maria Press designers and authors earned eighteen awards—including three first-place honors—from the Catholic Media Association.

Designers took first and second place in the best front-cover artwork category: Brianna Dombo won first for Awaken My Heart and Katherine Robinson earned second for The Caregiver’s Companion

In addition, Robinson and artist Jen Norton earned an honorable mention for design and production for Surrender All. Norton, who was the author and illustrator, also received an honorable mention for the book in the first-time author category.

Awaken My Heart, written by Emily Wilson Hussem, also was awarded second place in the collections of prayers category.

Surrender AllAwaken My Heart, and The Caregiver’s Companion also won awards last week from the Association of Catholic Publishers.

Teachings for an Unbelieving World won first-place honors for English translation editions. Ave authors took first and third places in the spirituality category: Susan Muto was first for A Feast for Hungry Souls and Emily Jaminet earned third for Secrets of the Sacred Heart.

Other winners included

•    Rekindled by Mallory Smyth earned second place for popular presentation of the faith. Brandon Vogt’s What to Say and How to Say It, earned third place in the same category.
•    Sex and the Spiritual Life, edited by Patricia Cooney Hathaway, won third place in morality, ethics, Christology, Mariology, and redemption.
•    Deacon Ed Shoener and Most Rev. John P. Dolan earned third place in the pastoral ministry category for Responding to Suicide and honorable mention for When a Loved One Dies by Suicide in grief and bereavement. Both books also won ACP awards.
•    Ann M. Garrido won second place in the church professional category for Let’s Talk About Truth.
•    Danielle Bean earned second place in the family life category for Giving Thanks and Letting Go.
•    Bob Schuchts earned a third-place award for Be Devoted in marriage and family life.
•    Christ in the Storm won third in books on Pope Francis.
•    Ave Maria Press received an honorable mention in the best website-general publishers category for avemariapress.com, which relaunched in 2020.


Catholic Media Association Winners