Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Complete Set


Format: Rite Cards and Binder

Publication date: March 26, 2012


Now with the approved texts from the Roman Missal, Third Edition, this easy-to-use set brings together all of the prayers, scripture readings, and blessings a priest needs for celebrating the funeral Mass. Over 100 cards are now updated to align with the new missal. Features include:

  • Each card marked in bold with the corresponding number in Through Death to Life
  • Nine sample sets of General Intercessions as in Through Death to Life
  • Special text in the case of cremation
  • All texts for the Rite of Committal
  • 3-ring ceremonial pocketed binder; padded, gold-embossed cover with ribbons

The Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Complete Set is an ideal ordination, anniversary, or all-occasion gift for any priest.

The complete set includes the following items, which are also sold separately:

Note: Ave Maria Press is licensed to sell this product only in the United States.

Product Details

Pages: 169

Trim size: 8 x 10 inches

ISBN: 9781594710001

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

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