Questions and Answers on Jesus’ Disciples

Here’s a short exercise your students might complete upon entering your classroom or at the end of a lesson. Have the students look up each passage and complete the following items related to Jesus’ disciples. Matthew 10:1–15.…

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People Who Met and Recognized Jesus

During Jesus’ ministry many would-be friends and enemies did not recognize him or his mission as the Son of God. But several people did. Give the following list to the students and ask them to name some of the people who met and recognized…

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Holy Spirit in Scripture

Pentecost Sunday is approaching. Create a worksheet with the following Scripture passages. Pass out one worksheet and one Bible to each student. For each passage, have them write a sentence telling what it says about the Holy Spirit. When completed,…

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Lessons on Pastoral Leadership from the Pastoral Letters

Prepare a lesson or part of a lesson that focuses on the theme of pastoral leadership and priesthood today, especially as it connects between teachings from the Pastoral Letters of the New Testament. Some qualities which make up a good priest are…

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Using Bible Study Aids

Introduce students to the three other aids to Bible study: the Bible Dictionary, a One-Volume Bible Commentary, and a Bible Concordance. Display in at least one example of each to show the class. Then divide the class into three groups. Have them…

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Working with Bible Study Aids

Your school may be embarking on Elective Course A, Sacred Scripture, of the USCCB Doctrinal Framework. Even if you are not, Scripture study plays prominently in each of your school's required and elective courses. Correspondingly, making…

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Jesus Teaches about Prayer

Jesus taught several things about prayer and how to pray. Have the students read each of the following examples. Have them write a summary for each example and explain the teaching on prayer. 

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Bible Basics for Teens

Earlier this year we had the honor of publishing an excellent introduction to the Bible by Franciscan University professor John Bergsma called Bible Basics for Catholics: A New Picture of Salvation History. Dr. Bergsma, who is a colleague of Dr.…

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The Bible in 50 Words

Assign either as a group or individual project the task of describing Salvation History, or the Bible, in 50 words. This means describing everything from the creation of the first humans all the way to the early years of the Church, described in the…

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Prophets Lesson Plan

A very large portion of the Old Testament focuses on the lives and messages of the prophets. The prophets played a very important and influential role in the history of Israel and the development of the Jewish people. They voiced a constant reminder…

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