The Right (and Wrong) Way to Show Videos in Class
As the access to iPads, laptops, SMART Boards, and LCD projectors increases in Catholic schools, so does demand for engaging media to use as learning tools. In particular, many teachers are seeking out short videos to use in class to supplement…
Using Different Colored Highlights to Increase Reading Comprehension
One of the important advantages of eBooks for education is that highlights don't have to be final. When you highlight a book with colored ink, the highlight is there forever. It is a static experience. You highlight, then you review. You can't…
iPad Tutorial: Using Study Cards in Apple iBooks eTextbooks
Earlier this year we released two of our textbooks into the Apple iBookstore: Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World and Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation. These eTextbooks are specifically designed for the iPad using the incredible tools…
4 Places to Find the Best Catholic Apps for Your Classroom
With so many schools switching to a 1:1 iPad program in the next couple of years, I am starting to get some common questions. As you might imagine the most common question I get from teachers who have been given is, "Do you have any suggestions for…
Classrooms Ascending to the Cloud: Cloud Computing in Schools
For teachers, especially those moving to a 1:1 laptop/tablet environment, this is huge. The cloud will allow us to send and receive files easier, provide immediate feedback on projects, and work on various devices from various places. We won't have…
Introduction to Using Tumblr in the Classroom
I know, I is a lot to ask. It is so tough to stay on top of the ever changing and new technologies. But the fact is as more and more adults get on Facebook, less and less teenagers will spend their time on there. Facebook becomes less cool…
More Thoughts on Bringing Facebook into the Classroom
Do you allow the use of Facebook as part of your classroom experience or not? Some states, such as Missouri, have actually created state-wide regulations to Facebook interactions between students and teachers. Individual schools often create their…
SMART Board Tutorial Video: Teaching Vocabulary
Most teachers use PowerPoint as the backbone of their direct instruction techniques. Like me, many of these teachers didn't understand the true potential of the SMART Board when they first got one in the classroom. I'm challenging you to use the…
5 Ways Teachers Can Use Screencasts to Engage Student Learning
I love creating screencasts. After I did it once, I realized how easy it can be. A screencast is a video recording of someone's computer screen with an audio recording of someone's voice. With free programs/apps like Screenr, Screecast-o-matic, and…
New YouTube Videos for Religion Class
It is no secret that kids love to watch movies and videos. Some of them come to expect it in the classroom. Just below Google and Facebook, YouTube is the third most popular website in the world. Teens are likely to watch videos online frequently…