Current Event: Teenage Protestors Confronted by School Official
You may have seen the video of a teenage brother and sister protesting against abortion on the sidewalk near a Philadelphia area public high school.They were confronted verbally by the school's assistant principal. The incident brings up several…
Understanding Facets of “White Privilege”
Conduct a discussion as a way to allow white students in your class to be aware of some preferential treatments they experience because they are white. Likewise, allow students of color to discuss their perspectives of some of these experiences.
Considering Serious Sin
Review with your students the definition and conditions of mortal sin, perhaps in anticipation for celebrating the Sacrament of Penance. Definition A mortal sin is a serious violation of God’s law of love that results in the loss of…
The Poor Box: Prayer for the Poor
A sweet and simple way to encourage your students to think of the poor of the world.
Word of Mouth: An Outside da Box video
Outside da Box has produced a video that deals with issues of bullying, meanness, kindness, and proper Christian living as commonly presented around a Catholic high school.
An Argument Against Abortion: Using the S.L.E.D. Acronym
How Do You “Love One Another”?
In dying on the Cross, Jesus gave the greatest gift of love to all people and for all times. How can your students emulate this gift of love in their everyday lives?
How Catholic Schools Can Address the Sinful Nature of Bullying
Over the last few decades, there has fortunately arisen a greater awareness of the scourge of bullying within school settings throughout the United States. To be clear, the awareness is the fortunate aspect, while…
Encouraging an Actively Pro-Life Generation of High School Students
Below are various ways that teachers in Catholic high schools, particularly (but not exclusively) theology teachers, can encourage their students to become engaged in the pro-life movement, along with methods of leading students to better learn and…
The Subject of Pornography
Pornography—the written or visual depiction of sexual acts or nudity with the purpose of stimulating and gratifying lustful desires—is a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States. It is a serious problem among teenagers. Two…